Inaugural Twist in The Tale - Feb 2024, 500 Word Results

Congratulations to all the winners! Your hard work, talent, and creativity are inspirational.

Judges broke any tiebreaks, so if your story is on the same points as another but rated higher/lower, it was the judges' decision.

Thank you to all participants.

On a mobile/tablet, you can scroll across the results table by swiping.

Top 10

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
kitcalvert Sirensong Link 108 Thriller Techno-Thriller Cryptic note $1000 (US)
ErinBF For Norm, 1973 Link 107 Thriller Historical Exploration $200
Kaukeano A Cure for Insanity Link 102 Thriller Medical Mystery Superstorm $100
actuallyalison When You're Gone Link 102 Thriller Paranormal Unexplained disappearance $25 site credit + rare pet item
AggieNovak Mine Link 100 Thriller Paranormal Lost item $25 site credit + rare pet item
Emily Deutsch Eye Spy Link 99 Thriller Espionage Exploration $10 site credit
JordanK A Man's Worth Link 98 Thriller Mythological Encounter with a stranger $10 site credit
JoannaKP Drawback and Surge Link 98 Thriller Environmental Encounter with a stranger $10 site credit
Derek Smith Below the Twilight Link 98 Thriller Medical Mystery Exploration $10 site credit
GenieAZ Adaptation Link 98 Thriller Environmental Exploration $10 site credit

Honourable Mentions

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
AutumnBe A Haunted House at the End of the World Link 97 Thriller Paranormal Superstorm Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
JTSmithling Red Brick Lane Link 97 Thriller Paranormal Blackout Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
JDBrogan In the Desert, Time Takes Off its Mask Link 97 Thriller Occult Detective Cryptic note Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
Simona Ticking Away Link 97 Thriller Time-Bending Superstorm Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
BarbaraL Last Stand of the Watcher Tree Link 96 Thriller Environmental Lost item Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
annemarie The Danger Within Link 96 Thriller Paranormal Blackout Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
Mary H Somewhere Near Cuba Link 96 Thriller Historical Unexpected invitation Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
jhenn Women's Work Link 96 Thriller Espionage Unexpected invitation Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
pedrothefish Inksmoke Link 96 Thriller Occult Detective Unexplained disappearance Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
CFulwell Clear Link 96 Thriller Medical Mystery Secret meeting Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
Mizuki When Moon Swallows Sun Link 95 Thriller Mythological Blackout Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
iress Seed of Doubt Link 95 Thriller Espionage Exploration Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
sarlynh One Final Kindness in a Lonely World Link 95 Thriller Paranormal Unexplained disappearance Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
td333777 The Trial Link 95 Thriller Medical Mystery Unexplained disappearance Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
m. yellow Alhamdulillah for the Banyan Trees! Link 95 Thriller Paranormal Lost item Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
AlexMuka My Saint Elegua and the Afghan Hounds Link 95 Thriller Occult Detective Secret meeting Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
Martini Lynne 5 Second Rule Link 94 Thriller Time-Bending Unexplained disappearance Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
mtho2233 Our House Link 94 Thriller Time-Bending Cryptic note Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
Kristof Radya’s Sense Of Déjà Vu Link 94 Thriller Time-Bending Unexpected invitation Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)
OverlyEnthused Signs of Life Link 94 Thriller Psychological Sci-Fi Unexplained disappearance Random Pet Accessory (common to rare)

Subgenre Winners

Top 3 in Techno-Thriller Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
kitcalvert Sirensong Link 108 Thriller Techno-Thriller Cryptic note $5 Credits
Ian G ...After He Gets Paid Link 91 Thriller Techno-Thriller Secret meeting $5 Credits
Joanne The Final Classified Mission of Captain E. Renard Link 88 Thriller Techno-Thriller Superstorm $5 Credits
LaurieOCS Black (and White) Ops Link 88 Thriller Techno-Thriller Blackout $5 Credits
north_north_west The Greater Good Link 88 Thriller Techno-Thriller Secret meeting $5 Credits
Jaime Gill And When The Skies Are Empty And The Land Is Dark The Stars Will Shine For Us Again Link 87 Thriller Techno-Thriller Blackout $5 Credits

Top 3 in Historical Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
ErinBF For Norm, 1973 Link 107 Thriller Historical Exploration $5 Credits
Mary H Somewhere Near Cuba Link 96 Thriller Historical Unexpected invitation $5 Credits
MBDunn The Chosen Link 91 Thriller Historical Exploration $5 Credits
Tash A Glove Stained Red Link 91 Thriller Historical Unexplained disappearance $5 Credits
Adam Selene Sharing Is Caring Link 88 Thriller Historical Encounter with a stranger $5 Credits
CKingAuthor Chasing Amelia Link 87 Thriller Historical Unexplained disappearance $5 Credits

Top 3 in Medical Mystery Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
Kaukeano A Cure for Insanity Link 102 Thriller Medical Mystery Superstorm $5 Credits
Derek Smith Below the Twilight Link 98 Thriller Medical Mystery Exploration $5 Credits
CFulwell Clear Link 96 Thriller Medical Mystery Secret meeting $5 Credits
td333777 The Trial Link 95 Thriller Medical Mystery Unexplained disappearance $5 Credits
Flustered Avocado Crepi Il Lupo Link 92 Thriller Medical Mystery Blackout $5 Credits
PommeDiGranite The Tiniest Puff of Air Link 91 Thriller Medical Mystery Encounter with a stranger $5 Credits

Top 3 in Paranormal Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
actuallyalison When You're Gone Link 102 Thriller Paranormal Unexplained disappearance $5 Credits
AggieNovak Mine Link 100 Thriller Paranormal Lost item $5 Credits
AutumnBe A Haunted House at the End of the World Link 97 Thriller Paranormal Superstorm $5 Credits
JTSmithling Red Brick Lane Link 97 Thriller Paranormal Blackout $5 Credits
annemarie The Danger Within Link 96 Thriller Paranormal Blackout $5 Credits
sarlynh One Final Kindness in a Lonely World Link 95 Thriller Paranormal Unexplained disappearance $5 Credits

Top 3 in Espionage Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
Emily Deutsch Eye Spy Link 99 Thriller Espionage Exploration $5 Credits
jhenn Women's Work Link 96 Thriller Espionage Unexpected invitation $5 Credits
iress Seed of Doubt Link 95 Thriller Espionage Exploration $5 Credits
Linda Bayley Can You Keep a Secret? Link 94 Thriller Espionage Unexplained disappearance $5 Credits
Jonathan Page Whispers in the Dark Link 92 Thriller Espionage Blackout $5 Credits
E-Lamb Burrow in Darkness Link 90 Thriller Espionage Cryptic note $5 Credits

Top 3 in Mythological Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
JordanK A Man's Worth Link 98 Thriller Mythological Encounter with a stranger $5 Credits
Mizuki When Moon Swallows Sun Link 95 Thriller Mythological Blackout $5 Credits
LyndaD The Dryad's Last Stand Link 93 Thriller Mythological Unexpected invitation $5 Credits
puckdarcy Things Unnatural Link 89 Thriller Mythological Cryptic note $5 Credits
S.A. McNaughton Stowaway Link 89 Thriller Mythological Superstorm $5 Credits
maryl Even as Ghosts Link 89 Thriller Mythological Unexpected invitation $5 Credits

Top 3 in Environmental Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
JoannaKP Drawback and Surge Link 98 Thriller Environmental Encounter with a stranger $5 Credits
GenieAZ Adaptation Link 98 Thriller Environmental Exploration $5 Credits
BarbaraL Last Stand of the Watcher Tree Link 96 Thriller Environmental Lost item $5 Credits
morgainepower The Backup Generator Link 89 Thriller Environmental Blackout $5 Credits
clc269 A Modification Link 86 Thriller Environmental Lost item $5 Credits
Uncle_Caligula No Bees, No Food Link 86 Thriller Environmental Secret meeting $5 Credits

Top 3 in Occult Detective Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
JDBrogan In the Desert, Time Takes Off its Mask Link 97 Thriller Occult Detective Cryptic note $5 Credits
pedrothefish Inksmoke Link 96 Thriller Occult Detective Unexplained disappearance $5 Credits
AlexMuka My Saint Elegua and the Afghan Hounds Link 95 Thriller Occult Detective Secret meeting $5 Credits
slinkylink The Price of Vengeance Link 89 Thriller Occult Detective Encounter with a stranger $5 Credits
Lychee One Minute After Midnight Link 87 Thriller Occult Detective Exploration $5 Credits
Lousie Walton Rules Are For Fools Link 87 Thriller Occult Detective Unexpected invitation $5 Credits

Top 3 in Time-Bending Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
Simona Ticking Away Link 97 Thriller Time-Bending Superstorm $5 Credits
Martini Lynne 5 Second Rule Link 94 Thriller Time-Bending Unexplained disappearance $5 Credits
mtho2233 Our House Link 94 Thriller Time-Bending Cryptic note $5 Credits
Kristof Radya’s Sense Of Déjà Vu Link 94 Thriller Time-Bending Unexpected invitation $5 Credits
Corrie Two-For-One Link 92 Thriller Time-Bending Unexplained disappearance $5 Credits
Jaden Christopher Resets and Redemption Link 92 Thriller Time-Bending Lost item $5 Credits

Top 3 in Psychological Sci-Fi Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
OverlyEnthused Signs of Life Link 94 Thriller Psychological Sci-Fi Unexplained disappearance $5 Credits
hayley Commitment Link 93 Thriller Psychological Sci-Fi Secret meeting $5 Credits
wisemel Don’t Fade Away Link 91 Thriller Psychological Sci-Fi Exploration $5 Credits
Camsyn Clair Everything I Ever Wanted Link 87 Thriller Psychological Sci-Fi Cryptic note $5 Credits
StephG Try Again Link 87 Thriller Psychological Sci-Fi Exploration $5 Credits
Jessica Martin Sleeper Cells Link 86 Thriller Psychological Sci-Fi Unexpected invitation $5 Credits

Top 3 in Cyberpunk Heist Subgenre

$5 credits to each person in the top 3 of their subgenre.

Participant Story Title Total Score Genre Subgenre Event Prize
NullCharacter No River Can Return to Its Source, yet All Rivers Must Have a Beginning Link 93 Thriller Cyberpunk Heist Exploration $5 Credits
andersonfiction Tick Tock Link 89 Thriller Cyberpunk Heist Exploration $5 Credits
Doug Rowland Change of Mind Link 88 Thriller Cyberpunk Heist Cryptic note $5 Credits
mfvice Eightball Corner Pocket Link 88 Thriller Cyberpunk Heist Secret meeting $5 Credits
MackenzieK In Sickness and In Death Link 86 Thriller Cyberpunk Heist Encounter with a stranger $5 Credits
JujuBees The Empty Casket Link 86 Thriller Cyberpunk Heist Blackout $5 Credits

Judges' Awards

Our judges each picked their favourite stories this contest, and have awarded their Mini-Companion (for your pets), to the following stories.

Story Title Author Award
title user Phoenix awarded
title user Fantasy Fox awarded
title user Frog Monarch awarded

These special accessories will be awarded in a few days.